Morgan Hill Institute Featured In Best Colleges Article on Burnout At Work
Morgan Hill Institute’s Melissa Kaekel recently spoke to Best Colleges on how to tell your boss that you’re burned out. Taking a break will help you reassess where you want to put your energy while at work - if your boss doesn’t react well, it may be a sign that it’s time to move on.
Morgan Hill Institute Featured In UpJourney Article on Qualities in A Good Friend
Morgan Hill Institute’s Melissa Kaekel recently spoke to UpJourney on the most important qualities in a good friend. A good friend accepts your authentic self in all its unique strengths and weaknesses. They are there when you need help—whether that’s emotional, mental, or physical.
Morgan Hill Institute Featured In GoBankingRates Article on How To Say ‘No’ to Work Tasks That Won’t Get You Closer to a Promotion
Morgan Hill Institute’s Melissa Kaekel recently spoke to Gabrielle Olya of GoBankingRates about how workers can politely and professionally decline non-promotable tasks at work.
BetterHelp Review: Is BetterHelp Worth It For Therapists and Counselors? [Updated 2022]
There are a number of services to help connect providers and patients in this new online therapy world, and BetterHelp is one of the larger ones. Here’s my honest review of BetterHelp as a counselor and provider on this platform. I also share how you can earn a bonus of up to $2000 on your first BetterHelp client.
Morgan Hill Institute Featured In Her Campus article on Gen Z and Work-Life Balance
Morgan Hill Institute’s Melissa Kaekel recently spoke to Her Campus about how Gen Z workers are viewing work-life balance in their careers - and the answer may surprise you.