Our Service Dog E-Book Is Here!
This essential 54-page guide is designed for therapists and mental health professionals.
Written by our service dog experts, our Service Dogs for Therapists and Counselors Guide covers everything you need to know about service animals, from the history of service dogs, the basics of service dog laws, down to other service animals like horses and how they can help your patients. This digital e-book is sold as a downloadable PDF, so you’ll be able to access it instantly.
Who is it for?
Therapists who work with veterans, or any other populations that rely on service dogs often
Therapists who want to learn more about service dogs so they can work to refer them to their patients
Therapists who have patients with service dogs already, and are looking for more information about this topic to better serve their existing population
Any professional who wants a comprehensive, informative, well-rounded primer on service dogs, the ADA, and more
What is a service dog?
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) provides a specific definition for a service dog. This chapter discusses what makes a good service dog, the costs associated with obtaining a service dog, and provides an overview of different types of service dogs.
service dogs and the law
This chapter offers a deeper dive into the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Fair Housing Act (FHA), and the Air Carrier Act (ACA). These are the federal laws associated with service dogs and animals, and are often very misunderstood when it comes to the rights of people with service animals.
service dogs IN THE WORKPLACE
What are a worker’s rights when they need accommodations for a service animal in the workplace? This chapter was written for employers to better understand how to process a request from an employee to bring a service dog into the workplace.
WHat do psychiatric service dogs do?
Not all service dogs are “seeing eye dogs” - in fact, many service dogs are psychiatric dogs. This chapter discusses what these dogs help their owners with on a day-to-day basis.
Other Chapters:
Fake Service Dogs: Why This Is a Problem for Legitimate Service Dog Owners, and What You Can Do About It
Pros and Cons of Having a Service Dog: Service dogs can be life-changing for so many people, but they’re not without challenges. This chapter gives an honest look at the pros and cons of these animals.
Service Horses: Service horses are protected under the Americans With Disabilities Act in certain instances - this chapter goes over service horses and their uses and capabilities.
Veterans and Psychiatric Service Dogs: This chapter addresses how psychiatric service dogs can help veterans suffering from PTSD, anxiety, and other combat-related mental health issues.
Retiring a Service Dog: Even the best service dogs need to retire one day. This chapter discusses how to retire service dogs once they get too old to work.